Where to get help

People, services, and information

Get legal help

Lawyer Referral Service
Access Pro Bono operates this service, where all British Columbians can consult with a lawyer for up to 15 minutes. This meeting is free. The lawyer won’t be able to prepare a will for you in this time, but can answer your questions.
604-687-3221 (Greater Vancouver)
1-800-663-1919 (elsewhere in BC)
Hours: 8:30 am – 4:30 pm (Monday to Friday)
Email: lawyerreferral@accessprobono.ca

Society of Notaries Public of BC
Notaries are professionals who help people prepare legal documents, among other services. You can go to a notary for help with making a will. To get the name and telephone number of a notary near you, phone the Society of Notaries Public of BC. Ask the notary how much it will cost for a first meeting.
604-681-4516 (Greater Vancouver)
1-800-663-0343 (elsewhere in BC)

Seniors First BC
Formerly BC Centre for Elder Advocacy and Support. They provide information and services for seniors with low incomes, including free workshops about wills.
604-688-1927 (Greater Vancouver)

They also operate the Seniors Abuse and Information Line (SAIL), for older adults and those who care about them and have concerns about abuse and neglect of seniors. weekdays 8 am to 8 pm and weekends 10 am to 5:30 pm (except holidays).604-437-1940 (Greater Vancouver)
1-866-437-1940 (elsewhere in BC)

Law Student Clinics

Law Students’ Legal Advice Program
University of British Columbia

The Law Centre (Victoria)

Get legal information

Legal information and resources on a wide range of legal topics including will and estates.

Courthouse Libraries BC
Will and Personal Planning Resources

Dial-A-Law is a library of pre-recorded tapes with information about the law in BC. for example, they have a tape on making a will.
604-687-4680 (Greater Vancouver)
1-800-565-5297 (elsewhere in BC)

Family Law in BC
Family las information, step-by-step guides, and links to court forms including Appointment of Standby or Testamentary Guardian.

People’s Law School
Plain language legal information and publications on related topics including:
Wills, Planning & Estates
604-331-5400 (Greater Vancouver)

Find other services

Organ Donations
If you want to donate your organs, it is best to use BC Transplant’s official organ donation form.

Body donation
Visit the UBC Body Donation program page , run through their faculty of medicine, for more information and to download consent forms. Note, if you die outside of Vancouver, your executor will have to arrange for transportation.

Wills Registry
Tor register your will, file a Wills Notice with the Wills Registry, Division of Vital Statistics. Contact them to find the nearest office. Do not send a copy of the will; just send the Notice.

Division of Vital Statistics
250-952-2681 (Victoria)
1-888-876-1633 (elsewhere in BC)
Email Vital Statistics

Your Child’s Trust Fund
Read an online guide from the Public Guardian and Trustee of British Columbia